Ankle or Knee Pain

We recommend our Ankle/Knee Combo in the treatment of this issue.
Ankle Pain


Ankle or Knee Pain  is a common condition in which weight bearing causes extreme discomfort at the knee or around the ankle/heel. It can be a particularly debilitating condition as the pain caused tends to be a sharp and sudden occurrence, catching a person at random moments during activities.


While Knee, Ankle or Heel pain can occur from injuries, ongoing pain is more commonly caused by over-use repetitive stress which causes pain from excessive impact on a specific area of the foot. This condition, can be triggered by a thin fat pad in the heel area, shoes with heels that are too low or from a sudden increase in activity without sufficient time to adjust to the new activity. Given enough time the body can adapt to changes in activity & footwear, but commonly many people will push to hard or fast with new activities, resulting in damage to ligaments and muscles and micro fractures in the bones of the ankle/heel & arch of the foot.


Ankle & Knee pain requires a multifactorial approach. On the surface simply having additional cushioning at the heel or arch would seem to be an obvious solution. However heel cushions and other “shock absorbing” devices change the biomechanics of the body by lifting your foot up from its heel, placing additional loading on the forefoot and creating new problem. Our Ankle/Knee combo will provide arch support throughout the whole foot, and help control the foots movement.